Getting the opportunity to move or travel to a foreign country far away from mother land is literally the dream of most of the people on earth. The thoughts like we should move and study in abroad or at least go to places under the pretext of working are innocent; harmless thoughts that are from your unconscious mind that sends you signals that you need to get out of this place if you need some sort of recognition. . But, do you think people are actually love living in abroad countries? Most of them do not like it. It is the promised pay checks and the degrees from prestigious college with promised better future for the person and the person’s family. People do stupid things for a secured life. Though we all know it is an uncertain life with uncertainty and probability plating dices and taking turns to play out life. We like thinking of future and planning for it.
Therefore you will obviously end up in foreign country under various reasons. You could adapt to their culture, dressing sense and everything but our little tongue has its own ways. Sometimes it will throw such a temper fit that the stomach will no longer signal us that it’s is hungry and HCl is created and need food to digest. Our tongues would want the food from our mother country which is hard to find in a different international place.
But if you find a delicatessen in Melbourne where you can find imported items for retail sales. Then you have found your jackpot.
Mostly you will find a countries delicatessen in a single place. These places sell the products with little professional profit that will make it better place to get your mother country products in host country. Thus, you do not have to lose your favourite food just because you are in a different country. It is just for the basic necessity food and shelter to protect us. When we feel safe we will be more productive.
Other think you will ask is someone who talks your mother or country language. You might think otherwise. In a different country, where everyone speaks their language you would want someone who would know your language. You will miss you family. Though you might hate them or they could have not been the best of relatives or family out there but you will miss them. After all blood is thicker than water for a reason. You could have thousand issues with your family but the moment it is out of house, you will ear for those kind of fights.